Plant Sale at SoundBio
SoundBio hosted its first ever Plant Sale at the lab on Mother's Day! Orlando de Lange, a post-doc at the University of Washington in the Department of Electrical Engineering, came up with the fundraiser because of his passion for plant horticulture and bioengineering. On Sunday, Dr. Lange helped to sell a set of 30 tropical houseplants that he and his partner cultivated at home. All the money raised from this event will help fund ongoing plant work at SoundBio.
In case you haven't heard, Dr. Lange is leading a new citizen science project at SoundBio Lab. A small group of SoundBio members have been meeting regularly in the lab to discuss ideas for a community project. The group is currently building a living collection of different species and varieties of plants from the genus Oxalis. These plants are small edible herbs, many of which grow wild in the US, and are more commonly known as wood sorrell. The leaves look like 4-leaved clovers, giving them the name Shamrock plant.
Dr. Lange's goal is to share his excitement and knowledge with other plant and science enthusiasts. If you are interested in learning more about plant science at SoundBio, please don't hesitate to reach out. Email us at to learn more!