Donate to SoundBio Lab

We are a community coming together to create new ways to access, learn, and create with science. Our volunteers dig deep into their time and energy to make this vision possible, but we need more people to step up and donate monthly so that we can literally keep the lights on and the doors open. If you can give even $10 today or every month you can play a vital role in this work.

PayPal GIVING FUND: We receive 100% of your one-time donation. (PayPal account required)

Recurring donations via PayPal: SoundBio Lab is charged a fee per donation transaction. You can also establish a recurring donation. (No PayPal account needed)

Your employer might be able to match your gift - Many Seattle area employers have matching gift program. You can read about some here.

As an exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, donations to SoundBio Lab (EIN: 81-3164860) are tax-deductible. If you have any questions about how your donations are used or would like to support a specific program with a one-off or regular donation please contact