***50% off Pilot Course***
***Dates Changed***
Our world is littered with microbial life. From the phytoplankton in the oceans to the bacteria in your gut to the mycorrhizae that form connections between plants in a forest, it is not an overstatement to say that we wouldn’t be alive without them.
In this 5-week course, you will learn a powerful technique for using genetic information to explore the complexity of the microbial world.
Sessions will be held every Tuesday evening starting August 20 until September 17, 6:30 to 8:30 pm.
Identify the major groups of microbes and how they differ from each other
Extract DNA from soil, water, and similar environmental samples
Amplify, isolate, and purify target DNA using PCR and gel electrophoresis
Use cutting-edge software to analyze sequence data
Register HERE!
Members get an additional 50% off! Become a member HERE!
To reduce barriers to STEM education, we provide fee waivers to those for whom the cost would otherwise be prohibitive. Apply for a fee waiver.
Questions? Email courses@sound.bio.